Hello Sir,

I am new learner of musl_libc and I don have much knowledge of gcc and its flag. So I build musl-1.0.3 over the x86_64 architecture for my embedded project and I am running libc-test linking it statically with musl.
But when REPORT generated, it list down around 253 lines of errors. so I am not able to sort out that whether these are actually errors or I miss something while compiling.
as I am not much known woth gcc flags .
so could you please share your knowledge with me regarding  how to debug with this error massages and how to get sure about compiled musl libc is correct.
And will pe provide me the list of actual failed test cases of musl-1.0.3 with x86_64 if anyone done it before. so that i can analyse it more.

Here is the list of environment,
gcc version 4.4.6 201220305 (red hat 4.4.6-4)
target x86-64 redhat linux

Thanks in advance.


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