Hi, I am using Context for the second time now and I am investigating the pro's and con's before migrating my Latex documents to Context. So far I am really impressed with Context capabilities. Now I am testing some of the math I typeset with Latex to determine whether or not to use Context. In Latex I am using the ams math packages and knowing that there is a amsl module for Context I did some test such as \def\wdiv{{\rm div} \:} \def\rot{{\rm rot} \:} \placeformula[eqn1] \startformula \eqalignno{ \wdiv \vec{E} & = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_{0}} &\formulanumber{.a} \cr \rot \vec{B} & = \mu_{0} \:\vec{j} &\subformulanumber{.b} \cr \wdiv \vec{B} & = 0 &\subformulanumber{.c} \cr \rot \vec{E} + \frac{\partial \vec{B} }{\partial t} & = 0 & \subformulanumber{.d} \cr} \stopformula How can I refer to these subformulas in my running text ? As I am typesetting a lot of math in my physics doc's I use a lot of integration symbols amongs others. In Latex I use \oint, \oiint and \oiint, even a quadruple int to indicate space - time integrals. Even I defined a tex command for the surface integral. I also found the Context \showmathcharacters which gave me most of the math symbols from the amsl module. However I did not found alternatives for \oiint, \oiiint unfortenately. I discovered the \definemathsymbol in several context tex files, I was wondering if it is possible to setup my own \oiint, \oiiint, \oiiiint ... symbols ? If yes, my problem is I can't find any docu's on the usage of \definemathsymbol ? Any help appreciated Kind regards W.Neimeijer