On 1/7/2022 4:18 PM, J. P. Ascher via ntg-context wrote: > % Libertine with a Junicode fallback, lib-fb-jun looks like there is some beta junicode two (i tried the variable font but the ttf crashes (no hvar table) and the otf also has issues so probably a bit too beta) .. maybe that font will cover what libertine has? - ttf variable : crash (probably due to missing hvar or invalid deltas) - otf variable : issues - otf normal : crash on italic due to stem problem - ttf normal : seems to work (it makes no sense to add all kind of sanity checks for fonts with issues) the font has a fi ligature but not as feature so you need to add it: \startluacode fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature { name = "xlig", type = "ligature", data = { [64257] = { "f", "i" }, } } \stopluacode \definefontfeature[default][default][xlig=yes,dlig=yes] % is dflt defined ? \setupbodyfont[junicode] \starttext % fi ligature in \char 64257 but not in liga feature Ik fiets op de stoep en dat mag niet. \blank {\it Ik fiets op de stoep en dat mag niet.}\blank {\bf Ik fiets op de stoep en dat mag niet.}\blank {\bi Ik fiets op de stoep en dat mag niet.}\blank \stoptext attached a possible typescript file (patched from ws 2011 version) anyway ... these fonts are probably to beta to be useful now although one needs users like you to test them and feedback Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------