Hello, as I've already said, I began to play with MetaFun. First of all, I solved the problem of \MPprologues being undefined by defining it in my doc (setting it to 2), but it would be better if this patch was added to the distribution. Secondly, I instantly found a limitation :-) in \followtokens: you cannot make text follow two paths; let me explain with an example. I can build a full circle, with the first half written clockwise, and the second half written counterclockwise, by using two \followtokens tricks; by putting the drawings one under the other I get the full circle. But what if I want the two halves to be not the upper and lower, but some other (e.g., upper left and lower right)? You cannot merge the two paths, since they don't touch, so ... At first I designed a \doublefollowtokens; then I turned it in the couple of macros that you might see in the attached file, together with a test. A future enhancements could be a \longfollowtokens that automatically splits a (single) token list into as much paths as necessary (the user should preventively define enough paths), more like a parshape (actually, the splitting could be done by parshaping the text using the lengths of the paths as parshape...). But this is definitely too much for me, at least at the current stage of knowledge of both TeX and ConTeXt. Final note: I suspect that some fine tuning on these macro group could render TeX--XeT useless. I mean, you can reflect a whole paragraph: first typeset it to get the linebreaks, then apply \followtokens to each line ... you don't even need a reflected font! Actually, any kind of rotatation/skewing/etc, normally achieved with PSTricks, could be achieved this way, in a driver-independent way (if Hans Hagen fixes the undefined \MPprologues with the DVI drivers). And possibly even multidirectional typesetting could be implemented ... of course, "native" multidirectional would be much much much faster, but ... something like a "poor man's Omega" (ok, Omega does much more than that, with the OCP lists etc ...) Giuseppe Bilotta