Hello, I'm trying to implement things like ROT13 and alike in ConTeXt, and have some problems. ROT13, for those who don't know, is a way to code text by swapping the first 13 letters of the latin alphabet with the last 13 letters; appling ROT13 to ROT13ed code returns the original message. This kind of things can be achived with Virtual Fonts, but I don't like the approach at all. Also Omega's OCP lists can do similar things. Now, I was looking for another approach, working in pure TeX, and came to the code snippet in the attached file (actually, che coding it applies is not ROT13 but the code of a former Italian secret society, "carbonari"; but the idea is similar). It works ... almost. Two bugs are still present: space characters are ignored, and I get a "Too many {'s" error ... I have half an idea to implement it through verbatim to solve both the problems, but I don't know how to write a verbatim module for ConTeXt ... Any suggestions? Giuseppe Bilotta Using Microsoft products is like having sex without condoms---but much less pleasurable