Hi Lukas, Due to the fact, that I am a user of CONTEXT during spare time, it is sometimes somewhat difficult to give immediate reactions.... As I understand your mail you intend to prepare 5 sections, each consisting out of 4 sheets of paper each sheet of paper carrying 2 pages on both sides. A section has 16 pages. THIS IS NO PROBLEM! Context resolves that for you! Please refer to the attached sample-file. After compilation you will have two sample sections... I hope this will be of help. Kind regards Willi >I am typesetting a book of poems that should be sewed per about 4 sheets >(16 pages = 2pages per side doublesided) for better reading. The book will >be sewed of app. 5 such booklets. So I wish to have the sheets grouped at >right papers for printing > Can someone, please, give me a better description of how to process the > document for booklets per 4 sheets? (or how to implement the suggested) > > Thank you. > > lukas > > On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, Willi Egger wrote: > > > Hi Lukas, > > > > > I need to print a book for binding per 5 pieces of paper. It means I need > > > to translate my doubleside document for booklets of 5 papers. > > > I'm using the 2UP parameter in arranging but it just makes the book of one > > > booklet. How do I split it? > > > Thank you. > > > > > > lukas > > > > With the current possibilities within CONTEXT you can not print 5 times 4 > > pages per sheet i.e. sections of 20 pages. - You will have to develop this > > scheme yourself. - Please have a look at the file page-imp.tex. There are > > already quite a number of page imposition schemes. - Is there a specific > > reason to make sections of 20 pages? - In general one would prefere to make > > sections of 16 or 32 pages. The latter impositions schemes are already in > > place. > > > > When I developped some of them, I was advised to put such new definitions in > > the file cont-new.tex, because this file is always loaded. > > > > Willi > > > > -- > Lukas Kubin > lukas.kubin@permonik.com > phone: 00420603836180 > >