Have some people here on the list used the TeXLive cd to install ConTeXt?
I am trying it now. The reason being that I'd like some standardized system to update my TeX setup, instead of the way I was running it so far (an installation of ActivePerl, an installation of fpTeX, files taken from the ConTeXt homepage and installed into the fpTeX tree, plus my old 4TEX complete setup for older files...)
I find it very hard. The win32 installation program of TeXLive SEEMS buggy. It defaults to certain destination directories (c:\tex\... instead of the silly windows-like "c:\ program files\...") that I'd like to change but if I do, there is no option anymore for a quick-install. If I do something else than a quick-install, the result is an error message stating either no specific error on the halted installation or a message stating that "at least" one other TeX installation was found. I carefully deleted all other TeX installations to avoid that (so I lost these alternatives for the time being...) but the result is the same.
Some installation files fail, if the web source has changed URL/name/directory.
Now I wonder what I should do. Either move on to try to get this to work or just scrap it all and try to reconstruct the non-standard mess that I had (but a mess that worked for me...)
PERL seems to be installed, at least lots of perl files are there in their directory, but if I type PERL on the command line, it is not found. I can change the path variable to correct that but I would think the TeXLive installation of their preferent type of Perl would've done the "installation" for me...
To use the texexec.pl for context, I need to get the texutil package, but I can't seem to find it on Pragma's web site. Is it named something other than texutil?
If using TeXLive means a similarly grueling experience to get stuff to work, I might be better off wihout it, or today is just not my lucky day for TeX developments ;=}
Any tips are welcome!