Hi Alexander, > I am trying to use the Bitstream Charter as a font. Unluckily, > all the umlauts fail to appear. Here is how I do it: > > \definefont[bchr][bchr8t at 12pt] > \starttext > \bchr \"a \"o \"u \SS{} > \stoptext I am for sure no font guru. I would suggest you to install the charter fonts with texfont. What I have done in the last quarter of an hour: Create a directory \texmf\fonts\source\bitstrea\charter Copy the *.afm and *.pfb files to that directory. Copy the attached file type-charter.dat to that directory (this is the charter-section form type-tmf.dat provided by Hans). Copy texnansi.enc from the dvips environment to that directory. open a Dos box and run texfont --batch type-charter.dat Add the map file to pdftex.cfg: map +texnansi-bitstrea-charter.map Run the attached test file... You do not have to elaborate a typescript file, because charter is builtin in the typescripts provided with ConTeXt. Success Willi