Hi, using the latest beta I have the following problem styling my table headings based on the naturaltables module. My test document looks as follows \setupTABLE[frame=off,option=stretch] \setupTABLE[c][each][style=\ss] % Styling 1 \setupTABLE[r][first][style={\ss},bottomframe=on] % Styling 2 \starttext \placetable [here][tab:example] {A very simple example of a table.}{ \bTABLE \bTABLEhead \bTR \bTH col1 \eTH \bTH col2 \eTH \eTR \eTABLEhead \bTABLEbody \bTR \bTC this \eTC \bTC is \eTC \eTR \bTR \bTC a \eTC \bTC table \eTC \eTR \eTABLEbody \eTABLE } \stoptext Neither the line marked "Styling 1" nor the line marked "Styling 2" do switch to a sans serif font in the table head. "Styling 1" does this correctly for the table body but not for the head. Any ideas how I might get an sans serif font in my table heading? Thanks! Steffen