> Am 22.11.2014 um 21:32 schrieb John Kitzmiller : > > Given rectangles with text: > > \starttext > Before:\\ > \startMPcode > draw unitsquare xscaled 2cm yscaled 1cm; > \stopMPcode > \\ > After:\\ > \startMPcode > for i=0 upto 1: > draw unitsquare scaled 1cm xshifted i*cm; > endfor; > \stopMPcode > \stoptext > > How can a line be drawn connecting the right edges of the rectangles? I have played with: > > \startuniqueMPgraphic{line} > path a; > a:=(0,0)--(0,3cm); > draw a withpen pencircle scaled 3pt withcolor green; > \stopuniqueMPgraphic > > \defineoverlay[line][{\uniqueMPgraphic{line}}] > > and using it in \framed, but placing the line correctly is elusive. Look at chapter 5 in the metafun manual. Wolfgang