Hi, please see attached example: If you run the file containing the columnset directly (chap_X) it runs fine. But if you run MyProduct.tex there is an error: ! Missing } inserted. system > error on line 21 in file MyProduct.tex: Missing ... 11 %\component TOCtocDatei 12 \stopfrontmatter 13 % 14 \startbodymatter 15 \component chap_X 16 %\component teil_1 17 %\component teil_2 18 %\component teil_3 19 %\component teil_4 20 %\component teil_5 21 >> \stopbodymatter 22 % 23 \startbackmatter 24 %\component register 25 \stopbackmatter 26 \stopproduct } \endgroup l.21 \stopbodymatter ? This is with MkIV. Steffen -------