Hi, I'm new to ConTeXt and try to use the module typearea (https://modules.contextgarden.net/cgi-bin/module.cgi/action=find/name=typearea). But the example doesn't work: \usemodule[typearea] \setupTypeArea[bcor=0mm,alphabets=3.1] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \starttext \dorecurse4{\framed[width=\textwidth,height=\textheight]{test}\page} \stoptext I got: texmf-dist/tex/context/third/typearea/t-typearea.tex' loading         > Something like KOMA-TypeArea tex error       > tex error on line 89 in file /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/tex/context/third/typearea/t-typearea.tex: Missing number, treated as zero     { \TA@alphabets      \par \PageWidth =\dimexpr \paperwidth -\TA@bcor \relax \par \edef \Ratio {\withoutpt {     \the \dimexpr 2\paperheight /(\PageWidth /32768)\relax }} \par \setbox \scratchbox \hbox {\dorecurse {26}{\character \recurselevel }} \Width =\dimexpr \TA@alphabet     \setupTypeArea[bcor=0pt,oneside=no,alphabets=2.6] 79          height=\the\Height, 80          width=\the\Width, 81          header=2\lineheight, 82          headerdistance=\lineheight, 83          footer=2\lineheight, 84          footerdistance=3\lineheight, 85          topspace=\Top] 86     } 87     \protect 88 89 >>  \setupTypeArea[bcor=0pt,oneside=no,alphabets=2.6] 90 91     \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput} 92 93     %D Usage example: 94     \usemodule[typearea] 95     \setupTypeArea[bcor=0mm,alphabets=3.1] 96     \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] 97     \starttext 98 \dorecurse4{\framed[width=\textwidth,height=\textheight]{test}\page} 99     \stoptext A number should have been here; I inserted '0'. (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number, look up 'weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.) mtx-context     | fatal error: return code: 1 Line 89 in the module should be the problem. But how can I solve it? I think some lines in the module should be commented out. (An example directly in the module?) I thank you for any hint. Greetings Thomas