Hello, I just began exploring the charting module. And here I am with a couple of requests! :-) What I basically have the need for is "half-grid" steps. Say that I want a layout like the following X4X \ +--XbX / X2X X1X X3X | | | | \-+-/ \-+-/ | | XcX /-+-\ | | XdX XaX I would like to occupy as less space as possible, while still retaining the "local centering" (that is, box c between box 1 and 2, box b between box 1 and 4, box d possibly aligned under box 1 and box a possibly under box 3). Also the link between 1-3 and d-a should join in the middle before splitting again. Note that I can achieve this by putting intermediate empty spaces between the main (Roman-numbered) boxes, but this would leave too much space. With the grid, we have Empty Empty "Box 4" Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty "Box b" Empty "Box 2" Empty "Box 1" Empty "Box 3" Empty "Box c" Empty 0 Empty Empty Empty "Box d" Empty "Box a" while with half-grid steps I could put the intermediate link box 0 (which btw shows as an empty dot; how to make it disappear so that the conjunction is seamless?) and boxes b and c in a half-step, reducing space waste. A second question is about connection points. Despite the recommendations in the manual about trying to avoid multiple (outgoing) links per side (using e.g. [-b] or [+b]), I find this possibility helpful, and actually essential in the above mentioned example, where "Box 1" has two connection at the bottom (left and right). (Yes I know I should rearrange the chart, but I don't want to; I prefer it this way.) However, these connections are too spaced away, because they are at about 1/4, 3/4 of the side, which is essential if a third connection (midpoint) is used, but sub-optimal when only two connections are used (a better positioning in this case would be to use a 1/3, 2/3 spacing). The suggestion resolves finally in either giving the user the possibility to control position of the connection points, or providing automatically the best position depending on how many connection points are actually used. (And what about allowing the users to have "as many connection points per side as desired"? Imagine a (horrible?) thing with five connection points: ++b, +b, b, -b, --b !) Finally: why do corner radius and arrow size share the same value? Is there a way to change the value for some connections only and activate/deactivate arrows for specific connections? is there a way to force a straight arrow even when by default it would come out bended? Btw, see attached file if you want to see how the chart is currently implemented. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta