Hey folks, I am using the following to insert a full page landscape figure: \FullPageLandscapeDiagram {SomeDiagram} {Some diagram's caption.} {Some_Diagram.svg} Which is defined as follows: \def\FullPageLandscapeDiagram#1#2#3% { \page \setuppapersize[diagram] \setuplayout[fullpage] \startframedtext[width=.95\textwidth,bottom=\vss,top= \vss,align=right,corner=rectangular] \placefigure [force][figure:#1] {#2} {\externalfigure[#3][width=.95\textwidth]} \stopframedtext \page \setuppapersize[main] \setuplayout[reset] } It works great, except that most of my figures have transparent backgrounds and since the page colour is already black, I can't make out some of the images properly. How can I set the figure background colour for transparent images? -- Kip Warner -- Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com