\starttext \startuseMPgraphic{ex1} %This file creates two figures associated with the %system x'=f(x,y), y'=g(x,y) %1. Plots the graphs of x(t) and y(t) %2. Plots the graph of (x(t),y(t)) in the phase plane. %verbatimtex %\input mtplain %etex %Generate standard eps %prologues:=2; %beginfig(0); %Place RHS of x'=f(t,x,y) here def fxy(expr t, x, y)= (0.4-0.01*y)*x enddef; %Place RHS of y'=g(t,x,y) here def gxy(expr t, x, y)= (-0.3+0.005*x)*y enddef; %Declare some variables path q, trajx, trajy; pair L, R, B, T, xt, yt; numeric sx[], sy[]; %Initialize clipping window a:=0; b:=40; %left and right of viewing rectangle c:=0; d:=150; %bottom and top of viewing rectangle %Initialize timespan tstart:=a; tstop:=b; %Initialize number of points to be plotted N:=500; %Calculate time increment dt for Euler's method dt:=(tstop-tstart)/N; %Scaling factors for horizontal and vertical axes. Note that this produces %an image that is 2 inches by 2 inches. (b-a)*ux=1.75in; (d-c)*uy=1.75in; %Clipping boundary q=(a,c)--(b,c)--(b,d)--(a,d)--cycle; %Use Runge-Kutta4 to create path (t,x(t)) %Choose initial condition t:=tstart; x:=40; y:=20; trajx:=(t,x); forever: sx1:=fxy(t,x,y); sy1:=gxy(t,x,y); sx2:=fxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx1/2),(y+dt*sy1/2)); sy2:=gxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx1/2),(y+dt*sy1/2)); sx3:=fxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx2/2),(y+dt*sy2/2)); sy3:=gxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx2/2),(y+dt*sy2/2)); sx4:=fxy((t+dt),(x+dt*sx3),(y+dt*sy3)); sy4:=gxy((t+dt),(x+dt*sx3),(y+dt*sy3)); x:=x+dt*(sx1+2*sx2+2*sx3+sx4)/6; y:=y+dt*(sy1+2*sy2+2*sy3+sy4)/6; t:=t+dt; trajx:=trajx..(t,x); exitif ((t>tstop) or (t>b) or (xd)); endfor; %Use Runge-Kutta4 to create path (t,y(t)) %Choose initial condition t:=tstart; x:=40; y:=20; trajy:=(t,y); forever: sx1:=fxy(t,x,y); sy1:=gxy(t,x,y); sx2:=fxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx1/2),(y+dt*sy1/2)); sy2:=gxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx1/2),(y+dt*sy1/2)); sx3:=fxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx2/2),(y+dt*sy2/2)); sy3:=gxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx2/2),(y+dt*sy2/2)); sx4:=fxy((t+dt),(x+dt*sx3),(y+dt*sy3)); sy4:=gxy((t+dt),(x+dt*sx3),(y+dt*sy3)); x:=x+dt*(sx1+2*sx2+2*sx3+sx4)/6; y:=y+dt*(sy1+2*sy2+2*sy3+sy4)/6; t:=t+dt; trajy:=trajy..(t,y); exitif ((t>tstop) or (t>b) or (yd)); endfor; %Draw the paths x(t) and y(t) and clip them to bounding box draw trajx xscaled ux yscaled uy withcolor red; draw trajy xscaled ux yscaled uy withcolor red dashed evenly; clip currentpicture to (q xscaled ux yscaled uy); %Label graph x(t) and initial condition len:= 0.65*(length trajx); xt:=point len of trajx; label.urt(textext("$\type{x(t)}$"), (xt xscaled ux yscaled uy)); %Label graph y(t) and initial condition len:= 0.5*(length trajy); yt:=point len of trajy; label.lrt(textext("$\type{y(t)}$"), (yt xscaled ux yscaled uy)); %Initialize left and right endpoints on time-axis L=(a*ux,0);R=(b*ux,0); %Draw and label t-axis drawarrow L--R; label.rt(textext("$\type{t}$"),(b*ux,0)); %Initialize bottom and top endpoints on time-axis B=(0,c*uy);T=(0,d*uy); %Draw and label vertical axis drawarrow B--T; label.lft(textext("$\type{0}$"), B); label.lft(textext("$\type{150}$"), T); %endfig; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{ex2} %beginfig(2); %Make some variables local save ux, uy; %Place RHS of x'=f(t,x,y) here def fxy(expr t, x, y)= (0.4-0.01*y)*x enddef; %Place RHS of y'=g(t,x,y) here def gxy(expr t, x, y)= (-0.3+0.005*x)*y enddef; %Declare some variables path q, trajxy; pair L, R, B, T; %Initialize clipping window a:=0; b:=150; %left and right of viewing rectangle c:=0; d:=100; %bottom and top of viewing rectangle %Initialize timespan tstart:=a; tstop:=b; %Initialize number of points to be plotted N:=500; %Calculate time increment dt for Euler's method dt:=(tstop-tstart)/N; %Scaling factors for horizontal and vertical axes. Note that this produces %an image that is 2 inches by 2 inches. (b-a)*ux=1.75in; (d-c)*uy=1.75in; %Clipping boundary q=(a,c)--(b,c)--(b,d)--(a,d)--cycle; %Use Runge-Kutta4 to create path (x(t),y(t)) %Choose initial condition t:=tstart; x:=40; y:=20; trajxy:=(x,y); forever: sx1:=fxy(t,x,y); sy1:=gxy(t,x,y); sx2:=fxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx1/2),(y+dt*sy1/2)); sy2:=gxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx1/2),(y+dt*sy1/2)); sx3:=fxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx2/2),(y+dt*sy2/2)); sy3:=gxy((t+dt/2),(x+dt*sx2/2),(y+dt*sy2/2)); sx4:=fxy((t+dt),(x+dt*sx3),(y+dt*sy3)); sy4:=gxy((t+dt),(x+dt*sx3),(y+dt*sy3)); x:=x+dt*(sx1+2*sx2+2*sx3+sx4)/6; y:=y+dt*(sy1+2*sy2+2*sy3+sy4)/6; t:=t+dt; trajxy:=trajxy..(x,y); exitif ((t>tstop) or (t>b) or (xb) or (yd)); endfor; %Draw the paths x(t) and y(t) and clip them to bounding box draw trajxy xscaled ux yscaled uy withcolor red; clip currentpicture to (q xscaled ux yscaled uy); %Initialize left and right endpoints on x-axis L=(a*ux,0);R=(b*ux,0); %Draw and label x-axis drawarrow L--R; label.rt(textext("$\type{x}$"),(b*ux,0)); label.bot(textext("$\type{0}$"),L); label.bot(textext("$\type{150}$"),R); %Initialize bottom and top endpoints on y-axis B=(0,c*uy);T=(0,d*uy); %Draw and label vertical axis drawarrow B--T; label.rt(textext("$\type{y}$"),(0,d*uy)); label.lft(textext("$\type{0}$"), B); label.lft(textext("$\type{100}$"), T); %endfig; \stopuseMPgraphic \useMPgraphic{ex1} \useMPgraphic{ex2} \stoptext