Am Montag, den 12.12.2011, 01:40 +0100 schrieb Mojca Miklavec: > (was: gnuplot: `! Undefined control sequence.` with format specifier %) > (sorry, but it was too long to keep it all in title :) > > On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 01:30, Paul Menzel wrote: > > > > Thank you for the follow up. I just blindly copied the example from the > > Wiki and did not pay any attention. In my thesis, I of course use the > > ConTeXt terminal. > > What is the thesis going to be about? The topic is how long integrated random walks stay positiv. Not being able to prove that formally for double-integrated(?) random walk, I am doing some simulations. > (I just noticed that mptopdf complains about missing bibtex files. :) It seems to work for me. > > PS: Do you have a BibTeX entry for your gnuplot module? > > Do you suggest me to publish an article about the terminal in arXiv, > to get at least some citations by the time when I need to submit my > thesis? :P That is an idea. ;-) > But no, I don't have it. I could try to create one though, but I'm not > even sure what the webpage should be. Many scientific programs just > ask to cite their first article in some scientific journal if one uses > the software, but I neither have an article nor homepage apart from > that (still outdated) wiki page. > > There is some additional documentation on > > (possibly also in minimals, but I'm not sure when I last synced the > version), but even that is outdated now since they required from me to > strip down terminal options parsing code. I thought asking does not hurt. ;-) So I guess I will just reference ConTeXt and gnuplot then. Thanks, Paul