On Sat, 2012-01-21 at 01:42 +0100, Marco wrote: > On 2012-01-20 Kip Warner wrote: > > > On Sat, 2012-01-21 at 01:22 +0100, Marco wrote: > > > On 2012-01-20 Kip Warner wrote: > > > > > > > So what does ConTeXt do when it typesets an \externalfigure? > > > > Does it always use inkscape, or only sometimes? > > > > > > If the image type is supported by the TeX engine (jpeg, > > > png, pdf, mps) it is directly included. SVG files inkscape > > > is called to convert the SVG to PDF. For EPS images > > > ghostscript is used: > > > > > > strace results: > > > > > > execve("/usr/bin/gs", ["gs", "-q", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", > > > "-dNOPAUSE", "-dNOCACHE", "-dBATCH", > > > "-dAutoRotatePages=/None", "-dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress", > > > "-dEPSCrop", "-sOutputFile=m_k_i_v_graph.pdf", > > > "graph.eps", "-c", "quit"], [/* 55 vars */]) > > > > Right, but since the average end user probably won't know that, doesn't > > that still suggest Inkscape be listed as a dependency? > > No, not as dependency. As I mentioned before 99.9% of the > system work fine without additional programs. You need > inkscape only when you want to include SVG images. Having > inkscape as a dependency means a huge bunch of data and > disk space (inkscape incl. all dependencies like X,¿). > > However, these external helpers (like ghostscript as well) > should be listed as a recommendation [not dependency]), > that way the user is notified that he/she might get a > benefit installing these programs. > > Marco > Understood. I've copied the package maintainer for a popular ConTeXt Ubuntu PPA. -- Kip Warner -- Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com