On Mon, 2015-01-26 at 11:07 +0100, Hans Hagen wrote: > remeve the placefigure in that line, so : > > \midaligned > {\externalfigure > [Makeup/Images/Cartesian_Theatre.svg] > [width=0.25\textwidth]} > > a midaligned is a hbox while a placefigure operates in the mvl Thanks Hans. ConTeXt gets past that, but raises font errors: simplefonts > font ''ubuntu'' not found I have the Ubuntu typeface installed on my system and nothing has changed, except this version of ConTeXt is newer. In my environment file I have... % Font to use for main text... \setmainfont[Ubuntu] \setupbodyfont[11pt] -- Kip Warner -- Senior Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com