Am 01.09.2014 um 21:20 schrieb Sandra Snan <>:

This is probably a pretty basic question, but how do I find out the name
of the font that \definefontfamily expects in the third argument?

For example,
\definefontfamily [dejavu] [serif] [DejaVu Serif]
works fine and sets the text in DejaVu Serif, but that’s not a name I
can find with mtxrun –scripts font:

ellen% mtxrun --script fonts  --list --all --pattern='*DejaVu*'|wc -l
ellen% mtxrun --script fonts  --info --list --all --pattern='*DejaVu*'|grep -i "DejaVu Serif"|wc -l

mtxrun --script fonts --info for Deja Vu doesn't
show that identifier anywhere. I want to find out what, for example,
Bookman is called.

\definetypeface [five] [rm] [serif] [bookman]
works fine and sets the text in some font that sure looks a lot like
Bookman to my eyes, but
\definefontfamily [five] [serif] [bookman]
doesn’t work at all and the text doesn’t show up.

ellen% mtxrun --script fonts  --list --all --pattern='*bookman*'|wc -l

I’ve looked all over for this... even tried understanding font-sel.mkvii
(with mediocre success).

You can take a look into the font manager of your os, attached is a screenshot from my system
where you can see in the second column the name of the font which does also go into the third
argument of the \definefontfamily command. This is also the same name which is shown
in the font selection menu form MS Office or OpenOffice.

Extra thanks if there’s a way to get ligatures and protrusion to work for it.

\definefontfamily [examplefont] [rm] [TeX Gyre Pagella] [features={default,quality}]
\definefontfamily [examplefont] [ss] [TeX Gyre Heros]   [features={default,quality}]
\definefontfamily [examplefont] [mm] [TeX Gyre Pagella Math]





\input tufte

\ss\input tufte

