Richard Mahoney schrieb am 04.03.2021 um 09:04: > Readers, > > I'm working on a couple of volumes of papers set up and generated > separately (though within the same project). Some of the papers in > the second volume make cross references to papers in the first. > Now this is working well so long as the reference is to the details > associated with, say, a chapter, using \about, \in, and \at. Its doesn't > seem to work though with \pagereference: no page number appears > in the PDF whatsoever. I have  been following the material here: > > > > I'm wondering then ... do cross references to an external file work > with \pagereference? Hi Richard, I just tested \pagereference in a simple example and had no problem to get the page numbers from the other document. Without a minimal example there is no way to tell what's missing in your document. Wolfgang