Dear all, I have two more questions about reusing blocks and interreferencing them. First of all, I have set up problems within different chapters, and would like to have a separate chapter at the end that gathers the solutions chapter by chapter like \chapter{Solutions} \section{Solutions from chapter 1} get these here \section{Solutions from chapter 2} get those here A sample file is attached below that has the layout, but all I know is how to retrieve all blocks at once. Would I need to create another block at the end of each chapter, and retrieve these at the end? If so, how? Then, I'd like to have little inconspicuous hyperlinks from the exercise to its solution and back. So far, I can only do this manually, as indicated. I would prefer to have the text Exercise in the enumeration to become a hyperlink to the corresponding solution, and vice versa for the text Solution. Is there a way of doing this (or something similar)? Thanks a lot for all the help! Matthias