Rik Kabel schrieb am 13.08.18 um 16:28: > Hans, > > That works for the over-simplified case here, but fails in practice. > For a \startnarrower[left] paragraph, the mark is still in the main > margin, not the 'margin' of the narrowed paragraph. Also, the > placement of the text in the margin is wrong and not easily controlled > as with \llap and \rlap. The code started out more like: > > \define\Mark{\color[middlegray]{\hskip.6cm\itb¿\ }} > \setwidthof{\Mark}\to\MarkWidth > ... > \starttexdefinition stopBufTest > \startluacode > buffers.prepend("TestBuffer","\\dontleavehmode\\llap{\\Mark}") > \stopluacode > \setupnarrower[left=\MarkWidth] > \startnarrower[left,right] > \startparagraph > \inlinebuffer[TestBuffer] > \stopparagraph > \stopnarrower > \egroup > \stoptexdefinition > Hi Rik, what do you want to achieve and why do you need a buffer for it? Wolfgang