Dear metapost gurus, There is something I don't understand about cutbefore and cutafter. Maybe what I need is in the metafont book which I don't have yet. Anyway, here it goes. Is there any way to tell mpost to cut a curve exactly at the bpath of a boxed thingy? At the moment I am facing the problem that for example a cutafter of an arc goes slightly beyond (what seems to be) the inner boundary of the bpath of a circle. I have attached a picture which demonstrates the effect. In this picture the phenomenon manifests itself with the first three circles at the bottom. The arcs were drawn with a command that drew them from the centres of the circles cutbefore and cutafter the bpaths of the circles. Ideally I would like to have control where to cut the arcs. For example, it would be very nice if it were possible to cut exactly at the outside of where a circle is draw or to cut it exactly at the inside of where a circle is drawn. Is there any way to do this? Any pointers/help would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Marc van Dongen -- Marc van Dongen, CS Dept | phone: +353 21 4903578 University College Cork, NUIC | Fax: +353 21 4903113 College Road, Cork, Ireland | Email: