Hi all, again I have problems with btex .. etex constructs within MetaPost files. Skimming old list messages I saw that this is often due to versions of ConTeXt and TeXExec out of sync. This was the case indeed so I installed the version of TeXExec that came with my ConTeXt (which I fetched ojn March 28th. After that, the messages "could not make mpx file" disappeared. Instead, I get messages of the kind that are attached along with a minimal example that led to the error message. What am I doing wrong? Groetjes Johannes -- Johannes Hüsing | Domain: Adresse im Internet. Besteht aus einem hannes@ruhrau.de| technischen Teil (http://www.), einem Namen | (erwin_meier) und einer Endung (zum Beispiel | .de für Deutschland) [J. Albrecht, "Zeit" 12/2001]