Today I got into trouble. In summer, I have started what I thought would be my transition from LaTeX to ConTeXt. It all seemed so obvious: ConTeXt is richer in features, has much cleaner code, and there's a lot of innovation. And if I had a problem, or even a feature request, I could just write to you all. Today my view of things got challenged. I must admit that the cause (though not the causing) for my doubts is my disappointment with the math module on the one hand, and the pressure that I put onto myself to convert my society's macro collections into ConTeXt on the other. However, here they are: One of the strengths of LaTeX is the number of add-on packages available for it. Of course, this also is one of its weaknesses: there is a lot of overhead, some packages do not interact well with each other, there are a lot of developers with different styles, etc. When I prepared my first book using ConTeXt, I was amazed to see that everything got so simple. However, I wonder if not ConTeXt needs some of that LaTeX feeling. In LaTeX, when you miss a feature, you know that there is a package out there that implements it. In ConTeXt, you ask Hans et al. Why are there so few modules? It may of course be due to the relatively small number of users. However, one important reason in my opinion is the lack of a well-defined module interface. How should modules be designed? Is there a standard library of functions that they could or should use? If I wrote a new module, how would I distribute it (for LaTeX, I would use CTAN)? What I propose it that we should think about going public. ConTeXt has so much to offer, it should become more widely used. A promising way to achieve this is to get more and more people involved in enhancing and documenting it. That does not say, of course, that base ConTeXt could and should not remain in the hands of PRAGMA. But an active community of developers working on extensions to the core is a good thing. And if it is well organised, it does not have to threaten the integrity of the system as a whole. What do you think? Marco -- Marco Kuhlmann