On Sun, 9 Mar 2003 09:07:32 -0500 John Culleton wrote: > I have been able to use optical alignment in pdfetex by reading > carefully Han The Thanh's dissertation, but I haven't puzzled out the > Context implementation. Perhaps someone who has could post an example > that works for them. I've attached an example where I've hand-tuned the margin kerning for Sabon. Note this is just my subjective evaluation; I adjust the parameters from time to time and the script is always "in progress". If anyone wants to see the resulting pdf, just mail me. It's only 29k but I didn't want to clog the list further. Very important: note the [hanging] typescript at the bottom of type-sabon.tex. It won't work without that. This is also described in the "margin kerning" section at: http://home.salamander.com/~wmcclain/context-help.html -Bill -- Sattre Press Curiosities of the Sky http://sattre-press.com/ by Garrett Serviss info@sattre-press.com http://csky.sattre-press.com/