Hi all, I have to present a lot of numerical data in tables. However, I don't know how to achieve aesthetically pleasing results in context. (Ex)-Latex users may know the booktabs package which is a great help in this respect. I would like to achieve the same in context now. I have attached a small example file (source and pdf). Let me draw your attention to the most important points: - There are rules of different thickness for top, bottom, and middle rules. - The spacing between rows before / after / around the rules is nicely adjusted automatically. - Rules not spanning all columns, like the one in the header, can be trimmed at the left and the right so that they do not extend entirely to the start/end oft the first/last column. I think all three features are essential for convenient typesetting of tables with acceptable output. How can I produce this in context? I am aware of the different table mechanisms. As far as I have seen in the available documentation, none of them is currently suited for what I want. Or am I wrong? I hope so, and I am grateful for your hints and comments. Regards, Eckhart