Hello, I'm trying to make the following work: 1) XML: 2) ConTeXt translation rule: \defineXMLargument[titlepage]{% \startstandardmakeup \vfil \bfd \setupinterlinespace Whatever \par \bfb \setupinterlinespace You Want \par \vfil \vfil \stopstandardmakeup } I was intending to feed the variables in through '\XMLvar', but can't get the start working (see 2).). I would be grateful if someone could nudge me into the right direction ... Is it even possible to have XML nodes in the variables evaluated ("")? If the above isn't feasible: how would I write an import rule for something like: Autor Autor Something &emdash; or <i>Something else</i> Much Fun Somebody Thanks for any hints - need sleep now ... Joh -- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Johannes Graumann, Dipl. Biol. | | | | Graduate Student Tel.: ++1 (626) 395 6602 | | Deshaies Lab Fax.: ++1 (626) 395 5739 | | Department of Biology | | CALTECH, M/C 156-29 | | 1200 E. California Blvd. | | Pasadena, CA 91125 | | USA | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+