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How? \startitemize \item Hardware accelerator {\em Combo6} \item XML based configuration system {\em Netopeer} \stopitemize \chapter{Router Architecture} Combo6 is a PCI card containing FPGA, memories (SSRAMs and DRAM), expansion connectors, and supporting logic. Network interfaces are mounted on an expansion daughter card for interfaces to be changed easily. \startlinecorrection \midaligned{\externalfigure[combo6][height=12\baselineskip]} \stoplinecorrection Design rules (just pure instance of {\em hardware/software codesign} principles): \startitemize \item Packet switching and filtering will be performed by Combo6 \item PC can do the rest; routing path calculations, configuration, statistics computation \item Communication through PCI is limited to configuration, routing table updates, statistics collection, and exception handling \item Usual Operating System tools can be used, like \type{ifconfig} and routing daemons \stopitemize \chapter{Packet Processing in Hardware} Key idea: Packet processing in FPGA is done by a chain of dedicated processors with simple, specialized instruction sets designed for their particular purposes. We call them {\em nanoprocessors}---they are interpreted by FPGA's microcode. Instruction sets are \quotation{between FSMs and RISC processors.} \startitemize \item Changing nanoprograms in runtime is possible (with no need of VHDL compilation)---this differs from Partial Reconfiguration \item VHDL tools are not needed to change nanoprograms, our free development environment can be employed \item New features can be added step-by-step \item On the contrary, Partial Reconfiguration may produce more efficient designs \stopitemize Packet processing is pipelined. A packet flows through the FPGA and memories. An incoming packet is received by the Input Packet Buffer and passed to the Header Field Extractor. The HFE pushes the body of the packet into the dynamic memory. Meanwhile, it parses its headers and creates a {\em Unified-header} and a structure reflecting actual arrangement of the headers. The Unified-header is a fixed structure containing information relevant for routing and filtering decisions. The Lookup Processor (LUP) processes the Unified-header performing a lookup nanoprogram. The lookup nanoprogram is kept in CAM and SRAM. Using CAM is fast, unfortunately, IPv6 requires nearly 600~bits to check. Widest available CAMs have less than 300~bits, therefore a combination of CAM search and lookup instructions (conditional jumps) is used. \startlinecorrection \midaligned{\externalfigure[combo.1][height=8\baselineskip]} \stoplinecorrection Packet Replicator and Block of Output Queues (RQU) replicates the packet ID to queues computed by LUP. Output Packet Editor modifies headers of the packet before it is sent out. Operating system is one of the output interfaces. It allows to deliver packets to the host computer as well as handling packets hardware is not able to process. \chapter{Software Support} Software drivers are developed for NetBSD (and FreeBSD) and ported to Linux. Driver operations include FPGA chip configuration, accessing memories in the card, and hardware/software interface operations. Other part of router software {\em hides presence of Combo6 in the host computer}. The card should perform the same routing and filtering functionality as the host computer itself, only faster. Host computer uses routing table, configuration of interfaces, and firewall setting, Combo6 has to run the LUP nanoprocessor just once to make a decision how to handle a packet. To be able to combine routing table and firewall setting into one lookup operation, we developed a concept of {\em routing/firewalling table}---firewall rules are applied on routing table rows a-priori. \chapter{Netopeer Configuration System} PC based routers are running under various operating systems with various configuration files causing problems to network administrators. To overcome this we are working on a unified configuration environment {\em Netopeer}. The primary configuration is kept in an XML repository. User interfaces implement Command Line Interface, web interface, and SNMP. Configurations for several operating systems and commercial routers can be generated from the XML, also allowing to convert among the representations. \startlinecorrection \midaligned{\externalfigure[xmlconf-david][height=11\baselineskip]} \stoplinecorrection \chapter{Acknowledgements} This research is supported by the FP5 project {\em 6NET} (IST-2001-32603) and CESNET project {\em IPv6 implementation in the CESNET2 network} (02/2003). \stopcolumns \stoptext