Hello Hans,

thanks for the answer.

> (adding a user inferface is more that adding something to
> texexec)
I understand, but I use the English interface for all languages anyway.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong or in a non-standard way...
For processing files with ConTeXt, I have a script which does (simplified to the minimum):

texmfstart texexec --interface=cont-$1 $2

So when I started to experiment with Chinese and Japanese, for example, I naturally wanted the processing to be consistent with other languages. I've simply "cloned" the cont-en.tex format file into cont-cn.tex and cont-ja.tex and defined the default language, default encoding etc. in them. And created new formats. But I had to add these new formats into scripts/ruby/base/tex.rb in order to generate and use them. In case of ConTeXt update, I have to do this change again and again. That's the reason why I've suggested to put these definitons into a separate (user) file.

>> 2. "Make all" should make ALL the defined ConTeXt formats, not the
>> default ones.
>--all means: all patterns

Mmm, sorry... I forgot that there are many formats other than cont-*... :-/
What does "all patterns" mean?
Before altering the tex.rb script, I've tried "texexec --make --all" several times, and it had always rebuilt the 'cont-en', 'cont-nl' and 'mptopdf' formats (maybe also 'metafun'(?);  I'm not completely sure...).


From: Hans Hagen [mailto:pragma@wxs.nl]
To: mailing list for ConTeXt users [mailto:ntg-context@ntg.nl]
Sent: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 14:42:05 +0200
Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Hardcoded options in the Ruby scripts

Richard Gabriel wrote:
> Lines 131-137:
> Here are a few languages predefined which texexec "knows". If I want
> to add a format for another language, I have to add a new line here.
such as ...? (adding a user inferface is more that adding something to
> Line 339:
> Here are the "default" TeX formats defined. No problem to consider
> something as default ;-), but the point is that "texexec --make --all"
> actually does "make all DEFAULT formats", NOT "make all AVAILABLE
> formats". :-(
which would be quite a lot -) what do you mean with all?
> Anyway, the main problem I see is altering of a script which comes
> with the ConTeXt distribution - the changes made into this scripts
> must be done again and again after each update.
> My suggestion is:
> 1. To put the format definition into a separate file (like user.rb or
> so) which won't be owerwritten in any case.
> [Note: cont-usr.tex is a good analogy to this]
hm, must think about it ; i don't like too many dependencies
> 2. "Make all" should make ALL the defined ConTeXt formats, not the
> default ones.
--all means: all patterns


Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
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