Hi, I have a letterhead defined in latex: \newcommand{\myletterhead}{\noindent {\begin{tabular*}{6.5in}{ @{} l @{} r @{} } \parbox[b]{2.5in}{\huge \sc John Doe} & \parbox[b]{4.0in}{\flushright \large \sl MOTTO}\ \ \hline \hline \\[-8pt] \Large WhoIAm & \normalsize STREET\\ \Email \it email@nowhere & P.O.~Box ddd\\ \Telefon \it telnumber \FAX faxnumber & TOWN, STATE ZIPCODE\\ \end{tabular*}} \normalsize } I'm trying to find the equivalent in ConTeXt But I can't find the equivalent of "@{}" which removes the padding around cells so that a horizontal line is flush with thee text. I also can't seem to find a way to draw a fine double line: "\hline \hline \\[-8pt]" "\HL \MR \HL" skips a whole line and godown[] doesn't seem to work in table context. Thanks for any suggestions.