Dne torek 18. decembra 2007 je Aditya Mahajan napisal(a): > Yes. All the completer functions are available as commands. Try _ and > you will see all the in-built ones. Thanks. Nice :] > If you want, you can rename texexec_completer to _texexec. That way, you > will not get prompted for it on normal commands. I do not know if _ is > reservered for distribution level completers or not, so did not name it > _texexec. Hmm, that would be a possibility. If I look at Gentoo's Portage autocompletion, they're all names like '_genlop', '_gentoolkit' etc. ...so IMHO '_texexec' would be quite acceptable. . > look at the pid and kill that process. With zsh, I can do > > kill -9 firefox and it finds the pid for me. Sweet. I didn't know about that one yet ...but Zsh *is* amazing. Not to mention how the documentation is overpowering. -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 e-mail: matija.suklje@rutka.net www: http://matija.suklje.name aim: hookofsilver icq: 110183360 jabber/g-talk: matija.suklje@gabbler.org msn: matija.suklje@rutka.net yahoo: matija_suklje