The code below frames the text area of a part page. The part page removes the footer and headers, then I use definelayout to change the text height & width. It works find until I load the pgf and/or tikz modules. When either of those modules are loaded, the frame is forced to the next page. The only way I can make the frame stay on the page is to reduce the height of the frame; however, then it doesn't fit the text area that I've defined. Why when I load the modules pgf and/or tikz does the frame for the part page get forced to the next page? How do I fix it? Is there a better way to do this? (don't say remove the pgf and tikz modules :-) ). Thanks, Bart \showframe %\usemodule[pgf] %\usemodule[tikz] \definelayout[PartLayout][ header=0in, headerdistance=0in, footer=0in, footerdistance=0in, ] \setuphead[part][ command=\MyPartCommand, footer=high, header=high, placehead=yes, ] \def\MyPartCommand#1#2{% \setuplayout[PartLayout] \framed[% rulethickness=5pt,% height=\textheight,% strut=no,% width=\textwidth,% ]{\vfill This is A Part \vfill\vfill} \setuplayout[reset] } \starttext \part{This is part one} \stoptext