Hi all, I've been trying to create a horizontal rule of limited width, using MkIV. My best approach so far is using a \framed with only a bottom frame: \framed[frame=off,bottomframe=on,width=.5\textwidth]{} However, this is not quite elegant. Context provides two commands for drawing lines, \hairline and \thinrule (which seem to do the same from looking at their definition in pack-rul.mkiv, though \hairline does not seem to respond to \setupthinrules for some reason I cannot discern...). However, \setupthinrules accepts a lot of options (including height and depth, which get passed to \hrule, but there is no width option (nor does there seem any way to get \thinrule to pass a width to \hrule). Another attempt to put a frameless \framed around the \hairline (which gets as wide as the containing box) failed as well. The line kept getting vertical, even when I sprinkeled some \dontleavehmod or \pars around... Any suggestions on how to do this? Gr. Matthijs