Hi, I'm using a custom pretty printer to apply some formatting to a buffer. However, I'm not using a monospaced font, but some sans serif font to display the result. In the original text, I have some lines that are nicely aligned using leading spaces. For example: foo = bar | baz Obviously, when using a non monospaced font for this, the alignment is lost. When in math mode, I can use \startalign to force alignment, like: \startalign foo \NC= bar \NC| baz \stopalgin However, I haven't manage to switch to math mode inside pretty printed text. Also, even if I would, I would get my text rendered in math mode, which probably won't work. So, I'm wondering if there is anything like \startalign to use outside of math mode? I've been looking at the implementation of \startalign, but couldn't find it... Some way to insert spacing until some fixed point (e.g. tab-stop like) would probably work, if I can define the tabstop on a case by case basis? Gr. Matthijs