Hey Michael, I'm the author of that terrible document. On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 08:32:36AM -0500, Michael Saunders wrote: > > No, it's plain English. Unfamiliar phrases are just one consequence of a > > language becoming the world standard. Do you want to flame Italians or > > French for not adhering to the norms of classical Latin? You don't. > > There's no point at all in even mentioning somebody's stylistic > > idiosyncrasies on the internets. Just face it: the world won't adopt > > English as a global means of communication without interfering with its > > norms. If you don't understand something why don't you contact the > > author, his email adress is right there on the first page. > > I don't mind non-native speakers using bad grammar, strange usages, or > odd constructions at all.  Things like that are usually no problem for > native speakers to understand, although the two sentences I quoted > were not "plain English" at all---one was completely indecipherable. > The biggest problem with the docs is far more basic---it's the most > basic mistake a beginning writer can make.  I'm sure documents like > the ones I was shown on this thread make perfect sense to their > authors---who already know what they mean---but they fail to > communicate their message to anyone who doesn't already know it.  The > reader isn't being given enough information to decode the message and > what he is given is in no particular order:  it's whatever bits and > pieces of the story the author thinks of in the order he happens to > think of them. I'm sorry for my writing and the inconvenience it brings. However right now I cannot do anything about it. May be I will rewrite it in the summer. > You can't tell the author this.  It makes sense to him and he can't > understand the criticism.  He has to put himself in the place of the > reader who doesn't already know the message.  If he can't do that, he > can't communicate.  I'm sure that these documents would be just as bad > in the native languages of the authors as they are in English.  The > fault is far deeper than bad translation. Actually I do understand your feeling. Like I said, I may rewrite most part of it in the summer. And BTW, that document is *supposed* to be an extraction of some particular pieces of info in the official doc. Because I find the official doc too heavy for both my PDF viewer and me. And about the background, I just grabbed some random Asymptote file of mine. Though I find it pretty much ok, I may change that also in the future. Let's focus on the tooltip and external database issue you encountered, instead of discuss that document and my bad writing :-). -- There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no death; there is the Force.