Hello again, On 2010-05-04 <23:36:17>, Michael Saunders wrote: > III. Philipp Gesang's lua-based solution connects headwords to > entries just as \definesynonyms[gentry][gentries][\infull][\inshort] > does, and it produces something that looks like a glossary, but the > entries have no link back to the text. Also, I don't see the point of > the \usegloss{word} command unless it references the substantive > discussion(s) of the word. I think that is what his > "\usegloss[exp]{word}" is for, but then there should be a reference to > it in the entry. Something like: > {\bd headword}---entry text, p.\at[g:headword] Here you are! Now the link back to the main explanation (yes, that's what \usegloss[#1]#2 with a nonempty first argument does) is carried by a page reference at the end of the entry. Let me know if you want me to change the formatting. > There probably is some advantage in using the lua script for this, but > I don't know what it is. No advantage other than time saving … > About tooltips: > \tooltip surprised me, and I was impressed that it appears to typeset > the tooltip text with Context, but there are some problems with it: > > 1. It's stretched horizontally. > 2. The active area begins at the baseline and stretches about 1 ex > _under_ the word. > 3. It appears without a border and under the cursor. > > I have seen tooltips in pdf files before, and they looked better than > this. I suspect the reason is that, as you say, \tooltip uses > Javascript, and the ones I saw use a different mechanism. I dug > around and found this reference which describes how it's done with > form fields and invisible buttons: > http://gilbertconsulting.com/pdf/Build_tool_tips_in_InDesign.pdf I had a look at that, he is creating pdf forms and uses them as tooltips -- consequentially I couldn't even see them in xpdf. > (Notice how tidy the tooltips in it look.) That document describes > setting them up manually in a point-and-click interface, but surely > Context could automate this by putting an invisible frame around the > word and creating a form field/button over it? > And, correct me if I'm wrong, but that mechanism is not > Javascript-based at all, is it? Well, it is form-(“widget”-)based and at least some forms use js. The omniscient landfill has some info about this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pdf#Interactive_elements But with those elements not even working I have no way to tell them apart. You might be interested in a thread on c.t.t. where widgets and the phantom-box approach are used to accomplish the same in latex: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/863613f3d13337f1/989369a06aaf7a34?lnk=raot > (by the way: I've not broken the thread again, have I?) Unfortunately, yes, gmail is again misbehaving. Phg -- () ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail /\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments