Hi all! [1] Is there a Lua interface for metapost? I'm thinking of something like cld is for TeX here. All I figured out so far is how to generate mp code (as strings) in Lua and then having it processed by mplib, but as the metafun manual is from 2002 and with context you never know how far it is ahead of your dreams … [1a] If not [1], then: will there ever be something like this? [2] There's an example for “metapost.process()” in mlib-ctx.mkiv but I can't get it to work. I simply copypasted it as follows: ···8<·········································································· \starttext \startluacode mpgraphic = [[ for i=1 upto 1000 : beginfig(0); draw halfcircle scaled 1cm withcolor green ; picture p ; p := "oeps" infont defaultfont scaled .75 rotated 45 ; p := p shifted - (xpart center p,0) ; draw p ; draw boundingbox p ; endfig ; beginfig(0); draw halfcircle scaled 1cm dashed evenly withcolor green ; endfig ; beginfig(0); pickup pencircle xscaled .5mm yscaled .25mm rotated 45 ; draw halfcircle scaled 1cm withcolor red ; endfig ; beginfig(0); draw halfcircle scaled 1cm ; endfig ; beginfig(0); pickup pencircle xscaled .5mm yscaled .25mm rotated 45 ; for k:=1 upto 10 : draw halfcircle scaled uniformdeviate(1cm) withcolor (red/(k/4)) ; endfor ; endfig ; endfor ; ]] metapost.process(metapost.format("metafun"),mpgraphic) \stopluacode \stoptext ···8<·········································································· This fails in mlib-run.lua at line 324. (Same with all my other tries, but I assume code from the context sources has a much higher probability of being valid.) Do I miss something critical? Thanks for your help, Philipp -- () ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail /\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments