Hi, there’s a behaviour concerning how context handles forced quotes in command line arguments that I do not understand. ··· ··················································· for i=-1,#environment.rawarguments do print(i, environment.rawarguments[i], environment.originalarguments[i]) end ·· ··················································· Now run this as ‘test.lua’ with mtxrun: # mtxrun --script test.lua \"simple\" \"more complex\" Here I get the following output: ··· ···················································· -1 texlua texlua 0 /home/kokytos/context/tex/texmf-linux/bin/mtxrun /home/kokytos/context/tex/texmf-linux/bin/mtxrun 1 --script --script 2 test.lua test.lua 3 "simple" simple" 4 "more more complex 5 complex" nil ·· ···················································· Number 3 indicates that a quoted argument is fully unquoted iff it gets parsed into multiple arguments. It also leads to ‘Unbalanced quotes in argument ./simple"’ when used with the main ‘context’ script. It would make sense if you expect only args containing spaces to be explicitly quoted, though. I would propose a patch like the one I attached but I’m having difficulties testing locally modified copies of the core Lua files, so it remains untested. Philipp