Hi all, I’m struggling with the font used in metapost. The only way to actually change it appears to be enclosing the mp graphic in two statements of \setupbodyfont[…] -- which I need to avoid. In the following example, the background text should be typeset (drawn) as lm sans, whereas the main font should be left untouched (serif). ································································· \startMPenvironment %[global] \switchtobodyfont[sans] %\setupbodyfont[sans] \stopMPenvironment %\start\setupbodyfont[sans] \startuseMPgraphic{bg} verbatimtex \setupbodyfont[sans] etex ; draw btex I wanna get rid of those serifs! etex xysized (21cm, 5cm) withcolor blue ; \stopuseMPgraphic \definelayer[bg][x=0,y=0,width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight] \setlayer[bg]{% %\setupbodyfont[sans] \useMPgraphic{bg} } \setupbackgrounds[paper][background=bg] \setupbackgrounds[state=repeat] %\stop \starttext \dorecurse{42}{I’d really like to keep my serifs! } \stoptext ································································· Wrapping the mp code inside a group is fatal. \[start|stop]MPenvironment doesn’t seem to have an effect at all unless called with the “global” flag -- in which case it will change the main body font as well. Also, inside mp’s “[verbatim|b]tex ... etex” font switches refuse to work. I’m really puzzled here, any hints? Thanks in advance Philipp