Hello, I found following problem in version: 2012.07.17 16:42. The frame width goes over both columns (with texexec the width is only over one column, I used \makeupwidth but it is same). \setuppapersize[A5] \starttext \startcolumns[n=2] \title{Test page} \framed[frame=off,bottomframe=on,width=\textwidth,frameoffset=1mm]{ \startalignment[middle] {\tfx \copyright{} \date[][year] Donald E. Knuth} \stopalignment } \input knuth \stoptext Is there another variable defining the width of column? Best regards, -- Martin Bruchanov Skype : bruxytronics WWW : http://bruxy.regnet.cz/ GPG-Key : http://bruxy.regnet.cz/bruxy-gpg.key (0x8107ED53) Linked-In : http://www.linkedin.com/in/bruxy Google+ : http://gplus.to/BruXy