Hi, in the final stage of a document I always run a grep for ?? and xxxx on the document to find invalid references and missing bibliography entries. However, in documents that do not have a section number the references to the number are also wrong, they need to be references to the name instead of the number. In this case no error marker is printed and AFAIK not even a hint in the log file. The correct way is to use \about instead of \in. Here's an example: \setuphead [section] [number=no] \starttext \startsectionlevel [title=Alpha] See section \in[invalid]. \par %% prints ?? See section \in[sec:bar]. \par %% prints nothing See section \about[sec:bar]. %% correct reference \startsectionlevel [title=Foo] \stopsectionlevel \startsectionlevel [title=Bar, reference=sec:bar] \stopsectionlevel \stopsectionlevel \stoptext The wrong \in[invalid] reference receives an easy to find error marker and an entry in the log file. The wrong entry \in[sec:bar] is hard to find. Is there a way to add ?? for those cases as well? Marco