On 2013–02–15 Marco Patzer wrote: > In vim pressing “vis” (visualise inner sentence) marks the current > sentence, then pressing “g” yields: > > Selected 2 of 4 lines; 14 of 50 words; 82 of 296 bytes > > That means current sentence is 82 bytes long. The rest is up to you. > Pick a language you like, vim uses its own scripting language but > also has bindings for python, perl, lua, etc. Pseudo-code: > > go to begin of file > start: > get byte length of sentence > if length > max_length > % do something > fi > move on to the next sentence > goto start Here's a quick and naïve vim function which moves the cursor to the last sentence containing more than 250 bytes when you hit F9. function! GoToLastTooLongSentence() let maxSentenceLength = 250 while line('.') != 1 normal ( | yis let num = strlen(@") if num >= maxSentenceLength normal vis " just for demonstration, remove this break endif endwhile endfunction noremap :call GoToLastTooLongSentence() Marco