On 2013–08–06 Alexander van Ratingen wrote: > I'm having a little problem and I'm hoping you can help. For my table of > contents, I need to group my sections, but I don't want any heads for this > in the text. Now, I've been using \part for this but unfortunately I cannot > get rid of the empty space it leaves. Please provide an example next time. It's hard to tell what space you're talking about. > The only way I've been able to get rid of the empty space is by setting: > \setuphead[part][placehead=empty] > But then it's not in the ToC either. > > Alternatively, when setting placehead to any other value, it still leaves > an empty line in the text. Example please. > Is it possible to have both, ie \part's in the ToC without any space taken > by it in the text? \definehead [sectiongroup] [part] [placehead=empty, page=no, number=no] \setuphead [chapter] [sectionresetset=none, sectionsegments=chapter] \setuplist [sectiongroup] [pagenumber=no] \defineresetset [none] [] [0] \setupcombinedlist [content] [list={sectiongroup, chapter}] \starttext \completecontent \startsectiongroup [title=First] \startchapter [title=Foo] \stopchapter \startchapter [title=Bar] \stopchapter \stopsectiongroup \startsectiongroup [title=Second] \startchapter [title=Alpha] \stopchapter \startchapter [title=Beta] \stopchapter \stopsectiongroup \stoptext Marco