On 2013–08–26 J. R. Schmid wrote: > I've played around with your module and ran into some problems > which may have been due to my inexperiencedness with ConTeXt > (rupturing of ligatures, at least with Scheherazade and > inconsistent line height). Marco has been helping me though, and > it looks like he solved those problems while improving on your > module while doing so. He doesn't seem to be done with it yet and > perhaps he'll want to reply himself when he is, so I'll leave it > at that for now :-) I don't do any Arabic typesetting myself, but I wrapped Idris' idea into a nicer interface¹. Since I don't use it myself, I'll leave it like that until I receive feedback or improvement suggestions. There's no documentation yet, as I don't know how useful this is in the first place. In contrast to Latin script, justifying Arabic text is not solely achieved by varying the inter-word space, but also by means of elongating particular glyps². After having read Idris' article³ it seems like this is a font feature. However, I have no idea which particular feature is responsible for the elongation and how many fonts actually have it. I could not find the mentioned Husayni font anywhere, which seems to be able to do this. So for the time being the justification is only done by varying the inter-word space. Arabic is beautiful! Marco ¹ https://github.com/mpfusion/context-arabic-verse ² http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashida ³ https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb31-2/tb98hamid.pdf