On 2013–10–10 Xan wrote: > ! Undefined control sequence. > > system > tex > error on line 28 in file /home/xan/fems/proves-context/prova.tex: Undefined control sequence ... > > 18 \starttikzpicture > 19 [decoration={ > 20 markings, > 21 mark= > 22 between positions 0 and 1 step 0.5 > 23 with { > 24 \draw (0,-2pt) -- (0,2pt); > 25 } > 26 } > 27 ] > 28 >> \coordinate (F) at (0,0); I can reproduce it now. Funnily it works on my regular installation (same version). When I run it on a clean minimal installation I get the same error. No clue what's going on and I don't have much time to check at the moment. Marco