Hi All! LuaMetaTeX, Version 2.00.0 ConTeXt ver: 2019.10.10 18:15 MKIV beta fmt: 2019.10.19 int: english/english I'd like to transfer the entries in a data file to a Lua table according to [1]. Here a MWE of my data file, appended as file Rosi.lua: -------------------------- Rosi{ smrk = "00-003", picture_file = "/home/sam/pictures/", picture_name = "00-003---1981---Provence.png", width_px = "394", height_px = "481", } Rosi{ smrk = "00-006", picture_file = "/home/sam/pictures/", picture_name = "00-006---1986---Eire.png", width_px = "392", height_px = "479", } And here is my MWE in Luacode: ------------------------------ \startluacode userdata = userdata or {} u = userdata function u.Hugo ( ) local S = {} function Rosi (b) S [ b.smrk ] = { [ "smrk" ] = b.smrk, [ "picture_file" ] = b.picture_file, [ "picture_name" ] = b.picture_name, [ "width_px" ] = b.width_px, [ "height_px" ] = b.height_px, } context ( 'function Rosi(): b.smrk = ', b.smrk ) context.par() end require ("Rosi") end \stopluacode \starttext \currenttime \def\Heidi% {\ctxlua{u.Hugo()}} \Heidi \stoptext The entries in Rosi.lua aren't recognized in Luacode! The output pdf is appended as well. Now the essential part of the MWE above in pure Lua. Here it works! Strange. ----------- userdata = userdata or {} u = userdata function u.Hugo ( ) S = {} function Rosi (b) S [ b.smrk ] = { [ "smrk" ] = b.smrk, [ "picture_file" ] = b.picture_file, [ "picture_name" ] = b.picture_name, [ "width_px" ] = b.width_px, [ "height_px" ] = b.height_px, } print ( "b.smrk = " .. b.smrk ) end require ("Rosi") print ( S["00-003"]["width_px"], S["00-003"]["height_px"] ) print ( S["00-006"]["width_px"], S["00-006"]["height_px"] ) end u.Hugo () Please, what could be done? Best wishes, Rudolf [1] Roberto Ierusalimschy: Programming in Lua, Fourth edition, chapter 15.1 Data Files