Hi all, I am a little bit confused as I never had this problem, although I often use backgrounds and layers. \definelayer[bg:hs2020-mond] [x=0, y=0, width=\paperwidth, height=\paperheight] \setlayer[bg:hs2020-mond] [x=0mm, y=0mm] {\externalfigure[background.jpg][height=\paperwidth]} Ususally I call the background after a head command like \starttitle or when I create slides like this \startslide[title={foobar}] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=bg:hs2020-mond] ... \stopslide The problem is that I cannot call the background on another slide. It seems as if the layer is gone after the first usage. So in this example the second bg:hs2020-mond would not print. \startslide[title={foobar}] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=bg:hs2020-mond] ... \stopslide \startslide[title={foobar}] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=bg:other] ... \stopslide \startslide[title={foobar}] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=bg:hs2020-mond] ... \stopslide TIA juh -- Autoren-Homepage: ......... http://literatur.hasecke.com Satiren & Essays: ......... http://www.sudelbuch.de Privater Blog: ............ http://www.hasecke.eu Netzliteratur-Projekt: .... http://www.generationenprojekt.de