Hi, I'm trying to pass a string argument value to an MPgraphic but it doesn't seem to work: Tried the following: \startuseMPgraphic{name}{lbl}   pair a ; a := (3cm,3cm) ;label.top("\MPvariable{lbl}",a) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext   \useMPgraphic{name}{lbl=1} \stoptext The above works as expected! But the following doesn't: \startuseMPgraphic{name}{lbl}   pair a ; a := (3cm,3cm) ;label.top("\MPvariable{lbl}",a) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \starttext   \useMPgraphic{name}{lbl=abc} \stoptext It yields:  1 \startuseMPgraphic{name}{lbl}  2       pair a ; a := (3cm,3cm) ;label.top("\MPvariable{lbl}",a) ;  3     \stopuseMPgraphic  4  5     %\startuseMPgraphic{name}fill fullcircle scaled 200pt withcolor .625yellow ;\stopuseMPgraphic  6  7     \starttext  8      Example:  9 >>    \useMPgraphic{name}{lbl=abc} 10     \stoptext 11 a \m_meta_current_variable a-a                             bc ... \hbox {\scratchdimen \m_meta_current_variable                                                   sp}\ifzeropt \wd \b_meta_v... \secondoftwoarguments #1#2b-#2 \9>>1 #1,2-\meta_prepare_instance_variable {#1} \syst_helpers_do_process_comm... \syst_helpers_do_process_comma_list ...rgument #1,                                                   ]\relax \global \advance \... ... l.9   \useMPgraphic{name}{lbl=abc} So it seems that only numbers can be passed not character strings! Why is that? Is there a possibility to achieve this functionality? Regards, Gerard