Hi, Sometimes, I need to hide the solution of a problem. So I use \doifmode{} and \starteffect[hidden] as in the following sample file. Since I want to set more blank space if it is hidden, I add \blank[5cm] when it is in the \enablemode[hideSolution]. It works well except the figures and bars are not hidden. Only texts, even in the mp part, are hidden. It is OK for me. However, it would be much better to set the height of blank space depends on the height of hidden texts. Is there a way to set the variable height using “overlay” stuff instead of \blank[5cm]? Thank for reading. Best regards, Dalyoung \startbuffer[circles] draw fullcircle scaled 1cm; draw fullcircle scaled 1cm shifted (2cm,0); dotlabel.top(“O”,origin); \stopbuffer \def\StartHide{\doifmode{hideSolution}{\starteffect[hidden]}} \def\StopHide{\doifmode{hideSolution}{\stopeffect\blank[5cm]}} %\enablemode[hideSolution] \starttext \framed[]{This is what I want:} \framedtext[]{ \StartHide \samplefile{knuth} Overbar is not \overbar{hidden}. {\processMPbuffer[circles]} \StopHide } \stoptext